See what we’ve been up to
March 24th, 2024
Today our electrical team finished building our custom VCU (voltage control unit). This is the brains of the car controlling the low voltage and parts of the high voltage systems. It is responsible for important safety features such as the shutdown circuit, break pressure sensors, and dash controls. The electrical team has been hard at work designing and testing this board over the last few months and you can see two of the early prototypes above. A massive thank you goes out to Altium for generously providing us with there state of the art electrical design software. These complex circuits and wiring would not have been possible without there amazing software.
March 21st, 2024
An exciting day today as the drivetrain capstone finished setting up the new motor dyno. This setup was adapted from the old engine dyno to measure our motors power output and electrical system. After a few days of wiring and setup the motor was able to spin and the team logged important data on how the motor performs under different conditions. This setup also allowed for validation of our cooling system and high voltage circuitry. A big thank you to AlphaCool for providing us with our radiators and cooling fans.
March 5th, 2024
Today team members learned about composite manufacturing. We tested different techniques such as vacuum bagging and wet layup on sample airfoil elements. All of this practice is in preparation for the next few weeks when we start manufacturing our new bodywork! A big thanks to Composites Canada for helping supply us with some beautiful carbon fiber roles and resins.
March 2nd, 2024
today we went to an Engineering Nova Scotia event at the Halifax Central Library. This event was focused on youth getting interested in engineering and STEM. We had a great time meeting lots of aspiring engineers and showcasing some of our work.
March 2nd, 2024
Today was an exiting day as we took delivery of a few special items. We received our new Alpinestars racing suits, PCB boards, and a few cases of RedBull. The Electrical team has been working hard for the last few months to make sure our electrical systems are working to the best standards and these beautiful boards a proof of that. A big thank you again to our sponsors Alpinestars and RedBull for the awesome suits and the fuel that keeps our team going.
February 12th, 2024
Crunch time! Today we validated our impact attenuator in Dr. Bishops material science lab at Dalhousie University. This was a quasi static test which used a large hydraulic press to measure the energy absorption of our impact attenuator. The test was a success and the data is showing that we are within the safe limit.
January 13th, 2024
Today we disassembled our battery pack so it can receive some major upgrades. Over the next few weeks almost the entire contents of our batty are getting new upgrades. New wiring, PCB boards, layout, case modification, and safety features are being added to make sure our battery is performing as reliably and safely as possible.