Subsystem Breakdown
The aerodynamics subsystem focuses on creating the body work and aerodynamic devises on the car. These help produce downforce which increases grip allowing for faster cornering speeds. They utilize advanced materials such as carbon fibers to produce a strong and light component that will hold up to the forces of racing.
Our race car is useless without a strong and reliable way to stop. Our brakes subsystem works on creating the most effective breaking system possible allowing the car to be raced at the limit. Research and development is also a large part of this subsystem as they experiment with complex parts of the breaking system such as in house manufacturing and regenerative breaking.
The chassis subsystem focuses on the design of the cars frame and suspension system. This subsystem works closely with the other subsystems as the chassis needs to be built to accommodate everyone’s needs. The chassis team also handles vehicle dynamics and tuning so we can maximize the cars ride quality and drivability.
Electrical is one of our largest subsystems and is often broken down into two further subsystems, high voltage and low voltage. The high voltage team handles our accumulator pack and trackside system while the low voltage team deals with the on board sensors and data collection software. Almost all of our high voltage and low voltage components are designed in house including the accumulator, wiring harnesses, and circuit boards.
Our ergonomics team works on making sure the driver is comfortable and safe. They design the drivers seat and steering wheel along with the firewall that separates the driver from the accumulator.
The finance and marketing team is fundamental to the operation of the team. All of our funds comes from sponsorship and having a dedicated team is critical in keeping our sponsors happy. Finance an marketing also contacts potential sponsors who may be interested in our team. They also handle our social media, such as our Instagram, and out in person evens.